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Community Education Webinars

In partnership with The ALS Association, NEALS offers a variety of educational webinars for the ALS community.

Webinar topics include updates on clinical trials, best practices for clinical care, and current research efforts in ALS causes and treatments. Our webinars also offer participants the opportunity to ask questions directly of the experts running clinical trials and conducting research activities.
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Results from the Immunosuppression in ALS Trial Screen Grab

Results from the Immunosuppression in ALS Trial

Dr. Christina Fournier, Emory University, will review the results from the recently completed Immunosuppression in ALS clinical trial and will discuss the possible roles that the immune system plays in ALS disease progression.

ALS Clinical Trial Pipeline Series - Spring 2017 Screen Grab

ALS Clinical Trial Pipeline Series - Spring 2017

Dr. Merit Cudkowicz, Chief of Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital, reviews the ALS clinical trial pipeline and answers questions about the current state of clinical research.

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How Professionals Can Help the Kids in ALS Families Screen Grab

How Professionals Can Help the Kids in ALS Families

Speaker: Laurie B. Fieldman, LCSW, Les Turner ALS FoundationAll ALS families affect the professionals who work with them, but the most difficult to forget are often the ALS families with children. We want to help them, but the intense…

Cannabinoid use in ALS: Only symptom management or more? Screen Grab

Cannabinoid use in ALS: Only symptom management or more?

Please join us on March 23rd for a webinar discussion on cannabinoid use in ALS led by Drs. Mark Ware and Angela Genge from the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital. Dr. Ware will discuss the mechanism of action of cannabinoids,…

Actemra Study - Anti-inflammatory treatment for ALS Screen Grab

Actemra Study - Anti-inflammatory treatment for ALS

Dr. Shafeeq Ladha from Barrow Neurological Institute will review a clinical trial of Actemra in ALS patients. The rationale for using the drug and the role of inflammation in ALS progression will be discussed.

A User's Guide to Genetic Testing in ALS Screen Grab

A User's Guide to Genetic Testing in ALS

Genetic Counselor and Assistant Professor at The Ohio State University Medical Center, Jennifer Roggenbuck, will discuss genetic testing options in ALS. She will review our current understanding of ALS genetics, and outline points…