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Community Education Webinars

In partnership with The ALS Association, NEALS offers a variety of educational webinars for the ALS community.

Webinar topics include updates on clinical trials, best practices for clinical care, and current research efforts in ALS causes and treatments. Our webinars also offer participants the opportunity to ask questions directly of the experts running clinical trials and conducting research activities.
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Radicava: A Review of Clinical Trial Data and Drug Considerations Screen Grab

Radicava: A Review of Clinical Trial Data and Drug Considerations

Radicava (edaravone) is a drug that was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat people with ALS in May of 2017. Dr. Jonathan Glass, Emory University, opens the presentation with a summary of the clinical trial…

Power Wheelchair: Documentation Requirements Screen Grab

Power Wheelchair: Documentation Requirements

In this presentation, Sherry Kolodziejczak, MS, OTR/L, Crestwood Medical Center, reviews the documentation requirements for power wheelchair evaluation. The Medicare Power Wheelchair form is reviewed in a line-by-line basis teaching the…

ALSA-BIO3: Building future success through biomarkers Screen Grab

ALSA-BIO3: Building future success through biomarkers

Speaker: Shafeeq S. Ladha, M.D., Barrow Neurological InstituteALSA-BIO3 is an observational clinical study funded by ALSA and the Fulton Family Foundation. In this study, biofluids as well as clinical and electrophysiologic measures…

Actemra Clinical Trial Update Screen Grab

Actemra Clinical Trial Update

Dr. Shafeeq Ladha from Barrow Neurological Institute will review the clinical trial of Actemra in ALS patients and provide a trial update. He will discuss the rationale for using the drug, the role of inflammation in ALS progression and…

Lazarus by Lunasin? Untangling an ALS X-File Screen Grab

Lazarus by Lunasin? Untangling an ALS X-File

On 16 May 2014, a news story appeared on American television and online, highlighting dramatic improvements in a patient with ALS taking a nutritional supplement called lunasin. This webinar will review how ALSUntangled…

Environmental Risk Factors for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Screen Grab

Environmental Risk Factors for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is thought to be a disease with a genetic predisposition and environmental triggers. Elijah Stommel, MD, PhD (Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth) will discuss some potential important…

ALS AT HOME: Bringing research home to you Screen Grab

ALS AT HOME: Bringing research home to you

Speakers: Jeremy Shefner, MD, PhD, Barrow Neurological Institute and Seward Rutkove, MD, Harvard Medical SchoolALS AT HOME is a new kind of research study that follows ALS disease progression and collects data on a number of different…