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Community Education Webinars

In partnership with The ALS Association, NEALS offers a variety of educational webinars for the ALS community.

Webinar topics include updates on clinical trials, best practices for clinical care, and current research efforts in ALS causes and treatments. Our webinars also offer participants the opportunity to ask questions directly of the experts running clinical trials and conducting research activities.
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Tofersen Update Screen Grab

Tofersen Update

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted accelerated approval for tofersen for the treatment of individuals with superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Join Dr. Timothy Miller for a webinar…

NEALS Webinar: An Update on Tofersen Screen Grab

NEALS Webinar: An Update on Tofersen

Please join us for a webinar update on tofersen moderated by NEALS Co-Chair Dr. Jinsy Andrews. Dr. Timothy Miller will provide background on tofersen and updates from the March 22nd FDA Advisory Committee Meeting. Holly Fernandez Lynch,…

Phase 2 Trial of AP-101 in SOD1 and Sporadic ALS Screen Grab

Phase 2 Trial of AP-101 in SOD1 and Sporadic ALS

Dr. Angela Genge (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) discusses the research behind AP-101 and provides an overview of the trial and what study participation involves. The phase 2 trial of AP-101 is currently enrolling…

ALSUntangled – Vitamins and Supplements in ALS Screen Grab

ALSUntangled – Vitamins and Supplements in ALS

In this webinar, Dr. Bedlack will review ALSUntangled, including how patients and families can use it to make more informed decisions about vitamins and supplements. He will show how he guides patients at Duke who want to…

Trials of the Future: Remote Monitoring Screen Grab

Trials of the Future: Remote Monitoring

Speakers: Dr. Christina Fournier (Emory University), Dr. Andrew Geronimo (Penn State Health), and Dr. Eufrosina Young (SUNY Upstate)

Join us for a webinar on remote monitoring for clinical care moderated by NEALS Co-Chair Dr.…

Update on Healey ALS Platform Trial Regimen E: Trehalose for ALS Screen Grab

Update on Healey ALS Platform Trial Regimen E: Trehalose for ALS

Presenters: Dr. Merit Cudkowicz (Sean M. Healey & AMG Center for ALS at MGH) and Dr. Shafeeq Ladha (Barrow Neurological Institute)The purpose of this webinar is to provide an overview of how SLS-005 (trehalose) may help to slow ALS…

Genes in ALS Screen Grab

Genes in ALS

Dr. Matthew Harms from Columbia University provides an approachable overview of the major genes involved in ALS: what those genes are, how they lead to ALS, and what ideas they are giving scientists for treating all forms of ALS.