Study Purpose:
Chinese cnaq scale was used to evaluate the appetite changes of Chinese ALS patients; Objective to investigate the related factors of appetite changes in ALS patients; Objective to investigate the effect of anorexia on the progression and survival of ALS patients.Study Status:
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Study Type:
Type of Intervention:
Intervention Name:
Study Chair(s)/Principal Investigator(s):
Dongsheng Fan, Peking University Third Hospital ID:
Neals Affiliated?
Coordinating Center Contact Information
Dongsheng Fan / email hidden; JavaScript is required / +86 13701023871
Full Study Summary:
1. With the consent of the original author, the scale was translated and back translated, and the Chinese version of the scale was determined after communication and confirmation with the original author.
2. Cnaq was used to measure the appetite of the patients, and hads was used to measure the anxiety and depression of the patients;
3. Analyze the proportion of loss of appetite in ALS group, compare the differences of clinical characteristics such as ALSFRS-R score, weight, BMI value, cognitive status such as ECAs score between patients with loss of appetite and patients without loss of appetite in ALS group, and conduct correlation analysis.
4. The patients were followed up every three months until they were unable to eat or end-point events (invasive ventilator or death), and the correlation between cnaq and disease progression and survival was analyzed.
2. Cnaq was used to measure the appetite of the patients, and hads was used to measure the anxiety and depression of the patients;
3. Analyze the proportion of loss of appetite in ALS group, compare the differences of clinical characteristics such as ALSFRS-R score, weight, BMI value, cognitive status such as ECAs score between patients with loss of appetite and patients without loss of appetite in ALS group, and conduct correlation analysis.
4. The patients were followed up every three months until they were unable to eat or end-point events (invasive ventilator or death), and the correlation between cnaq and disease progression and survival was analyzed.
Study Sponsor:
Peking University Third Hospital
Estimated Enrollment:
Estimated Study Start Date:
08 / 01 / 2020
Estimated Study Completion Date:
03 / 31 / 2022
Posting Last Modified Date:
07 / 08 / 2021
Date Study Added to
07 / 08 / 2021
Minimum Age:
Maximum Age:
Inclusion Criteria:- ALS patients diagnosed as probable, or definite according to the revised El Escorial criteria
Exclusion Criteria:
- there are other chronic consumption diseases such as severe digestive system diseases, thyroid diseases, diabetes and so on.
Peking University Third Hospital | Recruiting
Dongsheng Fan
Beijing, Beijing