Study Purpose:
The purpose of this study is to determine if memantine at up to 20 mg twice a day when used in conjunction with riluzole, can slow down the disease progression of patients with ALS including potentially improving their neuropsychiatric changes, as well as determine if serum biomarkers can be used both as a diagnostic and a prognostic marker in patients with ALS.Funding Source: FDA - Orphan Products Development (OPD)
Study Status:
Not recruiting
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , Frontal Temporal Dementia
Study Type:
Type of Intervention:
Intervention Name:
Memantine, Placebo (for Memantine)
Phase 2
Study Chair(s)/Principal Investigator(s):
Richard J Barohn, MD, University of Missouri Health Care ID:
Neals Affiliated?
Coordinating Center Contact Information
University of Kansas Medical Center
Kansas City, Kansas, 66160 United States
Full Study Summary:
Results from an open label pilot trial of 20 patients treated with memantine at 10 mg twice a day suggested that treatment with the combination of memantine and riluzole slowed ALS disease progression. This trial also showed that levels of specific protein biomarkers in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) at baseline correlated with the rate of disease progression. A concurrent phase II study performed by Dr. Carvalho, found no effect with similar dosing; however, the study was limited in terms of power. Comments on previous failed drug trials in ALS have raised the concern that many ALS trials study a potential therapeutic agent at only a single dose and thus may miss the potential efficacy of non FDA approved doses; therefore, this proposed study will test a higher dose of memantine, 20 mg twice a day, in a double blind, placebo controlled, randomized trial of 90 patients with ALS to determine if a therapy of memantine, especially in combination with riluzole, can slow disease progression compared to treatment with riluzole alone or no treatment. Participants who experience treatment related adverse events may undergo dose reduction or discontinuation. The primary outcome measure will be the rate of disease progression as measured by the ALS Functional Rating Scale- Revised (ALSFRS-R). In addition the investigators will examine the cognitive deficits seen in ALS patients measured by the ALS Cognitive Behavioral Screen (ALS-CBS) and the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (NPI-Q). Finally the investigators will examine specific validated protein serum biomarkers to determine if there is a correlation between the levels of these biomarkers and the rate of disease progression. In particular the investigators will measure the ratio of phosphorylated heavy neurofilament to Complement 3 to see if this ratio is predictive of disease progression and if the levels change during therapy with memantine.
This project will offer unique insights into this untreatable disease. If this study confirms earlier results and suggests that memantine, when used in conjunction with riluzole, significantly slows down the progression of the disease, as well as ameliorates cognitive deficits in patients with fronto-temporal dysfunction, it will set the groundwork for conducting a larger phase III trial.
Study Sponsor:
University of Kansas Medical Center
Estimated Enrollment:
Estimated Study Start Date:
11 / 07 / 2018
Estimated Study Completion Date:
07 / 22 / 2021
Posting Last Modified Date:
11 / 29 / 2022
Date Study Added to
04 / 21 / 2014
Primary Outcome Measures :
Disease progression as measured by the number of points lost on the ALS Functional Rating-Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R) [ Time Frame: During 36 weeks of therapy ]
The primary outcome measure will be disease progression as measured by the number of points lost on the ALS Functional Rating Scale- Revised (ALSFRS-R) during the 36 weeks of therapy. The patient's rate of progression on active therapy during the 36 week treatment arm will be compared to the rate of progression of the placebo arm. Disease progression in numerous ALS clinical trials has been measured using the ALSFRS-R which is a 12 question rating scale used to determine each participant's assessment of their capability and independence in daily activities. The ALSFRS-R can be administered with high inter-rater reliability and test-retest reliability in person or over the phone. The advantages of using such a measurement to determine disease progression are that the categories are relevant to ALS, it is a sensitive and reliable tool, and the rate of decline correlates strongly with survival
Secondary Outcome Measures :
Measuring the levels of Tau, pNFH and the pNFH/C3 ratio in CSF and blood [ Time Frame: 36 weeks of treatment ]
Preliminary data have demonstrated that there are elevated levels of tau and phosphorylated neurofilament heavy chain (pNF-H) in the CSF of patients with ALS as compared to healthy controls suggesting that these proteins could also be used for measuring a patient's disease progression. Recently published data have also shown a high sensitivity and specificity for the ratio of pNFH/C3 in the CSF for diagnosing ALS. These combinations of biomarkers could be markers for axonal injury and neuronal cell death.
Other Outcome Measures: Slowing of behavioral decline in those with FTD characteristics based on the NPI-Q and the ALS-CBS [ Time Frame: the course of 36 weeks of treatment ]
It is demonstrated that up to half of patients with ALS may develop cognitive impairment during the course of the disease and up to 40% of ALS patients develop FTD. The ALS Cognitive Behavioral Screen (ALS-CBS™) and the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (NPI-Q), are two neuropsychological batteries that are validated, brief practical measures that will be administered. Previous data has shown that memantine can slow the progression of behavioral and cognitive decline in other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Lewy Body Disease, that there may be potential for a positive effect in patients with ALS. These scales should be great indicators of not only the diagnosis frototemporal dysfunction and even FTD, but also whether memantine can have any positive effect upon the progression of these changes.
Minimum Age:
18 Years
Maximum Age:
85 Years
Can participants use Riluzole?
Inclusion Criteria:1. Age 18-85
2. Male or Female
3. Clinically definite, probable, probable lab-supported, or possible ALS by El Escorial criteria
4. ALSFRS-R > 25
5. Must be willing to undergo longitudinal blood draws for biomarker analysis
6. Availability and willingness to complete the study
7. Capable of providing informed consent and complying with trial procedures
8. If patients are taking riluzole and/or Radicava, they must be a on a stable dose for at least thirty days prior to the baseline.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Patients with forced vital capacity (FVC) ≤ 60%
2. History of liver disease
3. Severe renal failure
4. History of intolerance to memantine
5. Onset of weakness for greater than 3 years
6. Any other co-morbid condition which would make completion of the trial unlikely
7. If female, pregnant or breast-feeding; or, if of childbearing age, an unwillingness to use birth control.
8. Taking any investigational medications. If the patient was previously on investigational medications, a 30-day washout period is required before the baseline visit. Non-trial medications are not cause for exclusion.
9. Unwillingness to provide consent
Remote Inclusion Criteria:
1. Age 18-85
2. Male or Female
3. Clinically definite, probable, probable lab-supported, or possible ALS by El Escorial criteria
4. ALSFRS-R > 25
5. Must be willing to undergo longitudinal blood draws for biomarker analysis. This may be foregone during the screening visit
6. Availability and willingness to complete the study
7. Capable of providing informed consent and complying with trial procedures
8. If patients are taking riluzole and/or Radicava, they must be a on a stable dose for at least thirty days prior to the baseline
9. Documentation of not clinically significant liver enzymes within the previous 6 months
Remote Exclusion Criteria:
1. Patients with FVC ≤ 60%*
2. History of liver disease
3. Severe renal failure
4. History of intolerance to memantine
5. Onset of weakness for greater than 3 years
6. Any other co-morbid condition which would make completion of the trial unlikely
7. If female, pregnant or breast-feeding; or, if of childbearing age, an unwillingness to use birth control.
8. Taking any investigational medications. If the patient was previously on investigational medications, a 30-day washout period is required before the baseline visit. Non-trial medications are not cause for exclusion.
9. Unwillingness to provide consent
- Since FVC cannot be captured during a remote screening visit, and acceptable FVC performed within the previous 90 days is acceptable. If an FVC is not available within the previous 90 days, the subject may be enrolled if the local site PI believes the subject has no significant shortness of breath or respiratory issues.
Phoenix Neurological Associates
Phoenix, Arizona
United States
UC Irvine
Irvine, California
United States
University of Florida
Jacksonville, Florida
United States
University of Kansas Medical Center
Kansas City, Kansas
United States
University of Kansas School of Medicine - Wichita
Wichita, Kansas
United States
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky
United States
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri
United States
Springfield, Missouri
United States
Providence Health Sciences
Portland, Oregon
United States
Penn State Hershey Medical Center
Hershey, Pennsylvania
United States
Austin Neuromuscular Center
Austin, Texas
United States
Nerve & Muscle Center of Texas
Houston, Texas
United States
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
United States