Study Purpose:
The investigators laboratory has been studying families with a history of ALS for more than 30 years and is continuing to use new ways to understand how genes may play a role in ALS, motor neuron disease and other neuromuscular disorders.The purpose of this study is to identify additional genes that may cause or put a person at risk for either familial ALS (meaning 2 or more people in a family who have had ALS), sporadic ALS, or other forms of motor neuron disease in the hopes of improving diagnosis and treatment. As new genes are found that may be linked to ALS in families or individuals, the investigators can then further study how that gene may be contributing to the disease by studying it down to the protein and molecular level. This includes all forms of ALS, motor neuron disease and ALS with fronto-temporal dementia(ALS/FTD). We also continue to study other forms of neuromuscular disease such as Miyoshi myopathy, FSH dystrophy and other forms of muscular dystrophy by looking at the genes that may be associated with them.
There have been a number of genes identified that are associated with both familial and sporadic ALS, with the SOD1, C9orf72, and FUS genes explaining the majority of the cases. However, for about 25% of families with FALS, the gene(s) are still unknown.
The investigators also will continue to work with families already identified to carry one of the known genes associated with ALS.
Study Status:
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , Frontotemporal Dementia , PLS , Motor Neuron Disease , Lou Gehrigs Disease , Familial Disease , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Sporadic , Muscular Dystrophy , Miyoshi Myopathy , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis With Dementia
Study Type:
Type of Intervention:
Intervention Name:
Study Chair(s)/Principal Investigator(s):
Robert H Brown Jr., D Phil,MD, U Mass Medical School ID:
Neals Affiliated?
Coordinating Center Contact Information
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, Massachusetts, 01655 United States
Full Study Summary:
Participants do not need to travel to Massachusetts for this study. Samples can be obtained locally at no costs to the participant. Family members may be included in the study depending on family history and their relationship to the affected individual.
Study Sponsor:
University of Massachusetts, Worcester
Estimated Enrollment:
Estimated Study Start Date:
01 / 01 / 2009
Estimated Study Completion Date:
10 / 01 / 2024
Posting Last Modified Date:
05 / 23 / 2022
Date Study Added to
10 / 25 / 2011
Minimum Age:
Maximum Age:
Inclusion Criteria:- diagnosis of or family history of ALS,MND,ALS with dementia, or PLS.
- diagnosis of Miyoshi myopathy
- willingness to provide a blood sample for study use
Exclusion Criteria:
- unwilling to provide a blood or saliva sample
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, Massachusetts
United States