BrainGate2: Feasibility Study of an Intracortical Neural Interface System for Persons With Tetraplegia

Study Purpose:

The purpose of this study is to obtain preliminary device safety information and demonstrate proof of principle (feasibility) of the ability of people with tetraplegia to control a computer cursor and other assistive devices with their thoughts.

Study Status:



Tetraplegia , Spinal Cord Injuries , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , Brain Stem Infarctions , Locked in Syndrome , Muscular Dystrophy

Study Type:


Type of Intervention:


Intervention Name:

Placement of the BrainGate2 sensor(s) into the motor-related cortex




Study Chair(s)/Principal Investigator(s):

Leigh R Hochberg, M.D., Ph.D., Massachusetts General Hospital ID:


Neals Affiliated?


Coordinating Center Contact Information

Massachusetts General Hospital

Leigh R Hochberg, M.D., Ph.D. / email hidden; JavaScript is required / 617-724-9247

Boston, Massachusetts, 02114 United States

Full Study Summary:

The goal of the BrainGate2 research and development project is to identify the core methods and features for a medical device that could allow people with paralysis, including severe speech impairment, to recover a host of abilities that normally rely on the hands or on speech.

Study Sponsor:

Leigh R. Hochberg, MD, PhD.

Participant Duration:

approximately 13 months

Estimated Enrollment:


Estimated Study Start Date:

05 / 01 / 2009

Estimated Study Completion Date:

12 / 01 / 2038

Posting Last Modified Date:

01 / 10 / 2023

Date Study Added to

06 / 03 / 2009

This study is invasive and requires surgery. You must live within 3 hours of Boston, MA, Providence, RI, Palo Alto, CA, Sacramento, CA, or Atlanta, GA.

Minimum Age:

18 Years

Maximum Age:

80 Years

Can participants use Riluzole?


Inclusion Criteria:

- Clinical diagnosis of spinal cord injury, brainstem stroke, muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or other motor neuron disorders

- Complete or incomplete tetraplegia (quadriplegia)

- Must live within a three-hour drive of the Study site

- (There are additional inclusion criteria)

Exclusion Criteria:

- Visual impairment such that extended viewing of a computer monitor would be difficult even with ordinary corrective lenses

- Chronic oral or intravenous steroids or immunosuppressive therapy

- Other serious disease or disorder that could seriously affect ability to participate in the study

- (There are additional exclusion criteria)

University of California, Davis | Recruiting

David M Brandman, MD, PhD / 916-703-5010 / email hidden; JavaScript is required

Principal Investigator : David M Brandman, MD, PhD

Sacramento, California 95817
United States

Stanford University School of Medicine | Recruiting

Jaimie Henderson, M.D. / 650-723-5574 / email hidden; JavaScript is required

Principal Investigator : Jaimie Henderson, M.D.

Stanford, California 94305
United States

Emory University School of Medicine | Recruiting

Yvan Bamps, Ph.D. / 404-778-7673 / email hidden; JavaScript is required

Principal Investigator : Nicholas Au Yong, M.D., Ph.D.

Atlanta, Georgia 30322
United States

Massachusetts General Hospital | Recruiting

Leigh R Hochberg, MD, PhD / 617-742-9247 / email hidden; JavaScript is required

Sub-Investigator : Ziv Williams, M.D., Ph.D.

Boston, Massachusetts 02114
United States

Providence VA Medical Center | Recruiting

Stephen Mernoff, M.D. / email hidden; JavaScript is required

Sub-Investigator : Leigh R Hochberg, M.D., Ph.D.

Providence, Rhode Island 02908
United States